Why I require deposits for pre-purchase exams

20160909_121850I have a really nice gelding in our barn right now. Actually, I have several, but this horse in particular has had probably 20+ applications filled out for him in a very short amount of time. Part of it is his look, part of it is his pedigree, and part of it is his movement which excites people.

Inevitably when we have a nice horse we also have several disappointed people. People who filled out their applications late, people who didn’t act when they had the chance, ultimately, people who didn’t get the horse. My fear with horses like this is that the longer the horse is held “off the market” for someone to do a pre-purchase exam (“PPE”) or make a final decision, the more people who walk away that may have otherwise been interested. Worse, the more people assume there was a problem with the horse if someone else backed out of a commitment to him. Continue reading Why I require deposits for pre-purchase exams

Winter is coming

Snow HorsesIt is easy to get disheartened this time of year, so I am attempting to look at the positives. One aspect of the business I run is that I will always take a horse back that I’ve rehomed, even if it has been in its new home for many years. It’s my way of looking out for those horses who have been entrusted into my care, of making sure they don’t end up in a hard place or bad hands.

Throughout the year the returns are sporadic. With over 250 horses out there, you can expect a small trickle to come in throughout the year. Usually one every few months. That is, until the winter begins to loom. This is when the trickle turns to a downpour.

Continue reading Winter is coming