Sorry, kid.

Hi. I’m under aged (14) and I know that u have to have a parental consent in order to give out information on your horses. But I have been waiting for JS to become available for 4 months. And I was ecstatic when I went on the available page and saw him. Unfortunately, my property is no where near ready for any horse or horses. Please email me back. Thx

Poor kid. I don’t work with kids as a general policy as more often than not the parents are not involved initially. Add to that the concern that all my horses are quite green, many not restarted in their post-racing training and few kids are ready to take that type of horse on without significant help. Add to that the fact that parents are much more quick to return horses to our program at the slightest fault in the horse or as soon as the kid’s interest wanes or they go to college… just, no.

That’s not to say I haven’t had several successful adoptions with a minor as the recipient of the horse. Those just happen to be very special, happy circumstances that worked out great and I put a lot of effort into ensuring they were not the average kid. Several of those “kids” are now adults and climbing the levels of their respective sports and doing very well!

Even so, I cringe and sigh when I get e-mails like these. I know their heart is probably in a good place, but I hesitate to even respond, partly because I know the horse they’re after is in no way suitable for a 14 year old (especially without involved parents) to take on.

Sorry, kid.