Category Archives: Uncategorized

It’s just a rib.

Hello, echo chamber! I’ve decided to try to resurrect this blog even if just to have one more thing to do in my day as I have so much free time. One would think, after a partial diagnosis of a broken rib yesterday, that I would have more time. However, I have managed to work for nearly 3 months with just 23 functional ribs so it feels silly to slow down now.

As a horse person it will surprise relatively few that I do not take great care of myself. I did once ride some wild horses for 150 miles across Mongolia with a broken hand, but that is another story. I know it’s wrong, in theory, to ignore my health. It’s certainly a double standard when compared to how I care for my horses, but it is very hard to  find time make time in my day when I work as much as I do.

Oddly enough, I have been trying. I made a commitment to myself this summer to practice better self care. I went on a vacation after over a year without one. I started doing more meditation, journaling. I created my own version of a tea ritual in the mornings where I boil water in my Tetsubin kettle and brew tea while listening to inspirational podcasts and music, rather than going straight for the news and my laptop. I even got my first massage.

Continue reading It’s just a rib.

There’s a whole world outside the barn, and sometimes it creeps in.

Had a long talk today with one of our volunteers, a lovely older lady who is just learning about horses in her 60’s and has been coming out for several months now. She told us a bit about what it was like to move to the US after her father was killed, when she was 20 years old. She told us about the struggle to learn the language, the accomplishment of not only going on to get a masters but two law degrees and becoming a successful lawyer.

Continue reading There’s a whole world outside the barn, and sometimes it creeps in.

You snooze, you lose

The title might be a bit harsh, but it’s also the reality for some horse sales or adoptions. I’m fortunate to have a fairly large audience of people who look at horses at my farm, including those who only see their pictures on the internet and those who try to make the trip to come see them.

This is a great thing, but it often leads to my having to deliver disappointing news to those who missed out because, for whatever reason, someone else was able to act more quickly. For reasons I still don’t understand, it seems to happen that several people will all be interested in the same horse in the same week. Sometimes it’s a horse you would expect: a seventeen plus hand, gorgeous gelding with spectacular movement. Sometimes it’s a smaller, plain bay horse who you’ve had for months and no one seemed to want… until this week. Then everyone wants him. Everyone at the same time.

Continue reading You snooze, you lose

Another horsedreamer’s blues


This blog is titled after one of my favorite Counting Crows songs.

Margery’s dreaming of the middle of the day

Tiyuri to win, Perfect Dozen to place
Money is the matter that’s been on her mind
Time ticks by her one race at a time

She’s tryin’ to be a good girl
And give ’em what they want
But Margery’s dreaming of horses

Lookin’ at a green sky, sun like a red eye
Bright blue horses are the fortune she lives by
She’s tired and lonely, scared and depressed
Her visions of one day go racing the next

She’s tryin’ to be a good girl
And give ’em what they want
But Margery’s dreaming of horses

Continue reading Another horsedreamer’s blues